Monday, June 6, 2011


Today I attended the funeral mass of a 12 year old boy. Javier was one of my after school tutoring students a few years ago. He had the sneakiest smile I've ever seen on a little boy and the laugh to go with it. While I wasn't as connected to him as some of my fellow teachers, I wanted to go in support of the students I knew in his neighborhood.

This isn't is the place to talk about what happened to Javier, but if you want to know more you can go here. I was very thankful for my Catholic Fair Oaks peeps because I didn't understand a word of what was said (it was all in Spanish). With them nearby, I at least knew when to stand up and sit down. (Thank you Cindy, Susan,, Katie and Charlene!)

Looking around the sanctuary, I saw many of my former students. It was impossible not to notice how much pain this has caused Javier's family and community. They didn't just lose one child, they lost two. That kind of grief is unfathomable to me.

So, I am coming to you, blog public to ask for a couple of things:

1. Pray for Javier's brother Oscar. More than anything, Oscar needs people praying for him. He has a long and lonely road ahead of him.

2. Pray for Oscar and Javier's family. They are hurting and need the kind of peace and comfort that can only come from Him.

3. Pray for a safe place for his family to live. They cannot return to their home  and must start all over. If you have any furniture, clothing or home goods you can donate please email me and I will find a way to come and get it from you. If you want to make a monetary donation to help them cover funeral expenses, email me as well and I will direct you towards our school's foundation.

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4


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